Past Military History

Mark Sicilio, M.D., F.A.A.P. ’78, ‘81
Clinical Associate Professor
Associate Head
Department of Humanities in Medicine
School of Medicine
Texas AM University
A graduate of the Charter Class of the College of Medicine, Dr. Sicilio has worked in Pediatrics for and with infants, children, adolescents and young adults for 35 years, and was the initial physician for the Scott & White Clinic, College Station, where he worked 35 years. His teaching and educational efforts have included advocating for inter-collegiate and inter-professional collaboration on the Core Curriculum Committee of the University and has participated in a wide variety of curricular revisions and offerings in the College of Medicine. He serves as a frequent Clinical Sciences Integration Exercise (CSIE) facilitator and a member of the Quiz Review Committee. In Pediatrics, Dr. Sicilio served as discipline leader for pre-clinical efforts and lecturer on a wide range of topics regarding infants through young adults, and as faculty advisor for the Pediatric Interest Group. As Associate Head, Department of Humanities in Medicine, he's worked collaboratively on developing and participating in Clinical Reasoning experiences, White Coat Experience debriefings, facilitating small group discussions on ethical issues in the Practice of Medicine (PoM) curriculum, course director for our Medical Spanish offerings, and has offered selective experiences discussing the “Lives, Times, and Health of Famous Americans and Texans.”
Resident of College Station from 1961-present
Graduate of the Charter Class, Texas AM University College of Medicine, 1981
Chief Resident in Pediatrics, Scott & White Memorial Hospital and Clinic, 1983-4
Founder, A&M Pediatrics, College Station, 1984
Member, Department of Pediatrics and Family and Community Medicine, College of Medicine
First Physician, Scott & White Clinic, College Station, 1985
Founding Director, Department of Pediatrics, Scott & White, College Station, 1985
Texas Monthly Super Doctor
Recipient, Gold Foundation Outstanding Faculty Humanism Award, College of Medicine
Recipient, Association of Former Students Distinguished Achievement Award for Teaching, School of Medicine
Leader, Faculty Senate Caucus, School of Medicine, Faculty Senate, Texas A&M University
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