Club news


Thank you to all who participating in our Valentine's Lunch Meeting, and thank you for sharing your memories (pictures) with us, Click  to see presentation. 


Join us for our February "Done in a Meeting" for the Bridge Ministries.  We will be assembling 125 Hygiene Kits (again) for a combine total of 250 kits that will be donated and distributed by Rotarians. This project is being funded by our District Grant and matching Rotary of Aggieland funds. 

- Volunteers Needed For Distribution -

On this same date, 2/22 - we will need 1-2 volunteers to hand out the hygiene kits, plus two more volunteers to help with food distribution.

Time: 4:45pm - 7:30pm

Location: 408 E. 24th Street, Bryan TX 77803

Link to WAIVER

The circus is coming to town! It's almost time for our annual District Conference!
Round up your friends and family and join us to celebrate our year so far.
Under the Big Top--2024 District Conference
Rotary District 5910
South Shore Harbour Resort & Conference Center
Friday, April 26, 2024 - Sunday, April 28, 2024
Join us for the annual District Conference as we celebrate our vintage circus-style in League City, Texas! We will start the conference with a Welcome Reception on Friday night, April 26th at 6 PM out by the resort pool with food, live music and a cash bar. We will have a full day of conference activities on Saturday, April 27th starting in the morning with breakfast, speakers, service projects, and the dedication of a Peace Park in League City. Saturday evening will be our annual Gala, where we will celebrate with speakers and special recognition. Sunday, April 28th, will conclude with breakfast, additional speakers, and the annual District business meeting. 
Registration Options
Early Registration--$200 per person   2/15/2024-2/29/2024
Registration--$225 per person   3/1/2024-3/31/2024
Late Registration--$250 per person  4/1/2024-4/20/2024
Additional tickets are available for the Friday Welcome Reception and Saturday Dinner.
Book your hotel rooms today! There is another conference while we are at South Shore. Rooms may be limited if you wait too long. South Shore has given us a conference rate of $151.42 per night inclusive of tax.
Click here to purchase tickets and book your sleeping accommodations.
Upcoming Speaker - Feb. 29th
He is back!
Dr. Mark Sicilio is coming back to continue his presentation on Military History. We enjoyed his presentation so much, that we asked him back to continue the conversation. Dr. Sicilio is Clinical Associate Professor, Associate Head of the Department of Humanities in Medicine at the School of Medicine, Texas A&M University.  Click to read his BIO
Click  to Give - one time donation or recurring! 

- save the date -

D5910 Club Leadership Assembly - May 4th
Click the picture for details.
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