Club news

Join us at our NEw meeting location

Gate 12 Bar & Grill at College Station's Easterwood Airport

1770 George Bush Dr W, College Station, TX 

Cathy Carpio
Family Resource Center Coordinator
This is our next "Kits to Save the World" partnership.
We will hear about Project Unity's mission and how we can contribute. 
Heidi Rodriguez
Family Resource Center Specialist
*** Next Week ***

Dr. Randy Light

Photographing the Eclipse &
The World Beyond Our Solar System
If you would like to know more about the upcoming Eclipse, come and join us on our March 28th meeting. Our guest speaker will be Dr. Randy Light. He will share his knowledge of the upcoming eclipse and astrophotography.  Click    for Randy's full bio
The circus is coming to town! It's almost time for our annual District Conference!
If this is your first time attending a District Conference, you will qualify for a $100 reimbursement off your registration fee! So act fast and join in the FUN!
Under the Big Top--2024 District Conference
Rotary District 5910
South Shore Harbour Resort & Conference Center
Friday, April 26, 2024 - Sunday, April 28, 2024
Registration Options
Registration--$225 per person   3/1/2024-3/31/2024
Late Registration--$250 per person  4/1/2024-4/20/2024
Additional tickets are available for the Friday Welcome Reception and Saturday Dinner.
Book your hotel rooms today! There is another conference while we are at South Shore. Rooms may be limited if you wait too long. South Shore has given us a conference rate of $151.42 per night inclusive of tax.
Click here to purchase tickets and book your sleeping accommodations.
Click  to Give - one time donation or recurring! 

- save the date -

D5910 Club Leadership Assembly - May 4th
Click the picture for details.
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102-2060 Winston Park Drive, Oakville, ON, L6H 5R7
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