During our regulary schedule meeting time our club labeled 100 hangars with our Rotary Club of Aggieland logo.   The members of our club donated new or gently used new born infant clothes to the BCS Prenatal Clinic.   The BCS Prenatal Clinic provides an outfit to each of it's clients for the new born babies.  Our donations will be stored on the hangars we labeled with our Rotary logo in a closet the clients can access at the facility.   This wonderful service project provided for children along with promoting Rotary to the staff and clients at the BCS Prenatal Clinic.  

The  Mission of the BCS Prenatal Clinic is to provide community-centered prenatal care and health education to medically indigent pregnant women in the Brazos Valley. Comprehensive, accessible and affordable prenatal care and health education are the best ways to improve pregnancy outcomes.

They are also the foundation of a healthy pregnancy, a safe birth, a nurturing family and a viable community. Our goal is to reduce illness and death associated with the prenatal (pregnancy) and perinatal (around the time of birth) periods. Specifically, the clinic aims to reduce the number of low birth-weight infants and the rate of newborn mortality.

The Clinic is conveniently located next to the Brazos Transit bus terminal, in a new, well equipped facility, shared with the Family Health Clinic, W.I.C., the Brazos Family Dental Clinic and other community service agencies.
